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دوره انگلیسی – سطح B1

دوره انگلیسی – سطح B1

در تابلوی گسترده‌ی بیان انسانی، زبان انگلیسی الگوی پیچیده‌ی خود را به هم بافته است، شهادتی به تکامل اندیشه و خلاقیت بی‌انتهای بشر.

مطالبی که در این دوره یاد می‌گیرید

۳۰ درس

۱۷ ساعت آموزش

Session 1

Title : Who are you?

Information questions (to describe people, you, your family and friends)

Family Personality adjectives (-ed and -ing adjectives) -ish suffix

First day at college

The three types of friends we all need

Describe yourself / Describe someone dear to you Using listening or reading as a sample

Session 2

2 Title : Who are you?

Information questions (to describe people, you, your family and friends)

Family Personality adjectives (-ed and -ing adjectives) -ish suffix

First day at college

The three types of friends we all need

Describe yourself / Describe someone dear to you Using listening or reading as a sample

Session 3

Title : What is your favorite dish?

Present simple and continuous (state and action verbs and both)

Food related words

Eat and drink but at the right time!

Marianna Leivaditaki

In 5 to 8 sentences, write about your favorite food.

Session 4

2 Title : What is your favorite dish?

Present simple and continuous (state and action verbs and both)

Food related words

Eat and drink but at the right time!

Marianna Leivaditaki

In 5 to 8 sentences, write about your favorite food.

Session 5

Title : Happy with your plans?

Future forms: Will and To be going to (for prediction) Present continuous

Adverbs of manner degree place time frequency

Skills you will need to find a job

Summer work

In 8 to 10 sentences, write about your plans for the summer.

Session 6

2 Title : Happy with your plans?

Future forms: Will and To be going to (for prediction) Present continuous

Adverbs of manner degree place time frequency

Skills you will need to find a job

Summer work

In 8 to 10 sentences, write about your plans for the summer.

Session 7

Title : An unbelievable story

Simple past Past continuous

Irregular verbs


The Man With The Golden Gun

Describe a funny or sad story when you were a kid.

Session 8

Title : An unbelievable story 2

Simple past Past continuous

Irregular verbs


The Man With The Golden Gun

Describe a funny or sad story when you were a kid.

Session 9


May, might, could for future possibility

Intensifiers Strong Adjectives

Climate change: why does 1.5°C matter?

Climate Change: What Happens If The World Warms Up By 2°C?

A paragraph on possibility of life on another planet

Session 10

2 Title : RED ALERT

May, might, could for future possibility

Intensifiers Strong Adjectives

Climate change: why does 1.5°C matter?

Climate Change: What Happens If The World Warms Up By 2°C?

A paragraph on possibility of life on another planet

Session 11

Title : Have you been there?

Present Perfect, Present Perfect and Simple Past


A short history of Brighton

First Aid

A conversation

Session 12

2 Title : Have you been there?

Present Perfect, Present Perfect and Simple Past


A short history of Brighton

First Aid

A conversation

Session 13

Title : We used to hang out here!

used to, be used to, get used to

Sports ,Phrasal verbs

I am used to driving in Canada An Imperfectly Perfect Day

Sp: Tell me: …

“I used to be fun!”

Session 14

2 Title : We used to hang out here!

used to, be used to, get used to

Sports ,Phrasal verbs

I am used to driving in Canada An Imperfectly Perfect Day

Sp: Tell me: …

“I used to be fun!”

Session 15

Title : What are you passionate about?

Present Perfect, Continuous And Present Perfect

What are you passionate about?

A passion for music and science

Reading 2: Surprising Passions

Designing a Conversation using a model

Session 16

Title : What are you passionate about 2 ?

Present Perfect, Continuous And Present Perfect

What are you passionate about?

A passion for music and science

Reading 2: Surprising Passions

Designing a Conversation using a model

Session 17

Title : Mental Health

Modals of obligation: Must / have to / should

Feelings and emotions

World Mental, Health Day

Talking About Obligations

1.Describe a day you felt down and how you got through the day.

 2.In what ways can you support yourself and other people to have better mental health?

Session 18

2 Title : Mental Health

Modals of obligation: Must / have to / should

Feelings and emotions

World Mental, Health Day

Talking About Obligations

1.Describe a day you felt down and how you got through the day.

 2.In what ways can you support yourself and other people to have better mental health?

Session 19

Title : Things you know if you …

Conditionals, Type 0, Type I, Type II

School subjects

Things you know if you still live with your parents

Eastern vs. Western

f I had $1,000,000 ….

Session 20

Title : Things you know if you … 2

Conditionals, Type 0, Type I, Type II

School subjects

Things you know if you still live with your parents

Eastern vs. Western

f I had $1,000,000 ….

Session 21

Title: Daring. Defiant. Free.

Past perfect, Past perfect continuous

Reading, Listening

Lonely Companions

Why wasn’t Sheila at work yesterday?

Session 22

Title: Daring. Defiant. Free.

Past perfect, Past perfect continuous

Reading, Listening

Lonely Companions

Why wasn’t Sheila at work yesterday?

Session 23

Title : 127 Hours of Regrets

Conditionals, Type III, Compound adjectives

Movie Genres

Choose one of the three clauses

Session 24

2 Title : 127 Hours of Regrets

Conditionals, Type III, Compound adjectives

Movie Genres

Choose one of the three clauses

Session 25

Title : A trip down memory lane

Narrative tenses: Past simple, Past continuous, Past perfect, Past perfect continuous

Holiday and Travel Sequence Adverbs

Story Ordering

Holiday Plans

Choose one of the three topics and you tell me a story: 1. Once upon a time … 2. Describe your best vacation. 3. Describe your worst vacation.

Session 26

2 Title : A trip down memory lane

Narrative tenses: Past simple, Past continuous, Past perfect, Past perfect continuous

Holiday and Travel Sequence Adverbs

Story Ordering

Holiday Plans

Choose one of the three topics and you tell me a story: 1. Once upon a time … 2. Describe your best vacation. 3. Describe your worst vacation.

Session 27

Title : Are you a foodie?

Video And Passive: Simple Present, Simple Past

Eating Out

Food and restaurants

Burger Fest

Have you ever had a bad meal in a restaurant?

Session 28

2 Title : Are you a foodie?

Video And Passive: Simple Present, Simple Past

Eating Out

Food and restaurants

Burger Fest

Have you ever had a bad meal in a restaurant?

Session 29


Session 30


زهره معین

مدرس زبان انگلیسی

مدرس زبان انگلیسی، زهره معین، ۱۲ سال تجربه در زمینه آموزش این زبان را دارد.
از ۱۲ سالگی یادگیری زبان انگلیسی را شروع کرده و همچنین فارغ‌التحصیل رشته کارشناسی ارشد آموزش زبان انگلیسی می‌باشد و در حال حاضر دانشجوی دکتری همین رشته است.
از سال ۱۳۹۰ تدریس را شروع کرده و از سال ۱۳۹۵ در دانشگاه دروس مرتبط به رشته آموزش و مترجمی زبان رو تدریس کرده.
نکته‌ای که برای این استاد حائز اهمیت است این است که زبان‌آموز بتواند از اندوخته هرچند کمش استفاده کند و اگر کلمه‌ای را یاد می‌گیرد در حین حرف زدن و رایتیتگ استفاده کند.
پس در این مسیر پر هیجان، عضوی از خانواده گوتوترین باش.

درباره دوره

در دوره B1 زبان انگلیسی چه چیزهایی یاد می‌گیریم:
در این دوره لغت‌هایی در خصوص غذا، رستوران، ورزش، سلامت روان و … رو یاد می‌گیریم.
علاوه بر مرور کوتاهی بر گرامرهای گذشته، گرامرهای جذابی رو بهتون یاد میدیم که هم در پیشرفت زبان انگلیسی و هم در بیان احساسات و افکارتون بهتون کمک کنه.
همچنین سوالاتی در ابتدا و انتهای درس‌ها طراحی شده که بتونیم با هم در موردشون حرف بزنیم و با ایده‌هایی که از لیسینینگ و ریدینگ می‌گیریم به زبان انگلیسی صحبت کنیم و حتی در بخش رایتینگ اون هارو به رشته تحریر دربیاریم.
پس در این سفر جذاب و پرهیجان، عضوی از خانواده GO2TRain باش.

دیدگاه کاربران



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    زبان آموزش :انگلیسی

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